Egregor what is it in simple words

December 15, 2024

FREE 150

Ice Age is a lie, official science is a false history

December 02, 2024
There has never been an ice age on our planet. Before the planetary catastrophe, when the Moon flew in and tore the single continent into pieces, our planet had a hot climate and kilometer-long trees....


Rudiments and atavisms of man - examples, evolution, evidence

November 11, 2024
My explanation is based on the fact that Arabs, Negroes, Jews, Asians, Native Americans, people with a eumelanin pigmentation system, from animal genes and their own genes, were created by white......

FREE 425

Melanin People

November 05, 2024


Our creators from planet Phaeton

September 26, 2024
In my previous materials I talked about the fact that white people are the descendants of the Creators and that guests from another planet arrived on our planet and......


Proto language

September 10, 2024


Zeus es ist Deutsch!

September 08, 2024


Patagonia small research

March 04, 2024
This is perhaps the shortest research that reveals the etymology of the name Patagonia...

FREE 504

People lived 1000 years before planetary catastrophe

December 02, 2023
Anyone can see bubbles in amber by picking up amber and looking closely. But few people know that if you take the contents of a bubble for analysis, you can find out the composition of the atmosphere ...

FREE 674

How deserts are formed?

October 13, 2023
There are a large number of deserts on our planet, the largest of which is the Sahara. Deserts are white spots on the green landscape of the continents, there are no forests growing in them......

FREE 963

Errors in the interpretation of the 19th century floods

August 22, 2023
Some researchers have studied the floods in 1824, as well as even earlier floods, and have come to various false conclusions. Some argue that our planet was attacked by nuclear missiles, others that t...

FREE 912

Why are the Japanese short?

June 23, 2023
When I first thought about it, I also thought about pygmies. Short people. Why are they low? Obviously, the Chinese and the Japanese are the same race. But the Chinese are tall and the Japanese are no...


Chronology of magic and explanation

June 10, 2023
This material will seem strange to scientists and modern materialists. How is magic related to science? And many will say that they do not believe in magic. I can only say one thing to such people - m...


Neuro Chronology Network

April 22, 2023
Where is the evidence for an ice age? Where is the real evidence of the Holocaust in figures and documents? What really happened on 9/11? Why should we believe the subjective opinion of some historian...


What happend with main land?

February 22, 2023
Even the ancient Greeks claimed that there used to be one land, one continent. They called him Pangea [Πανγαῖα] or all-earth. Modern scientists laugh at this assumption. It speaks volumes about their...


Real reasons to rethink Darwin Theory

February 15, 2023
Is Darwin's theory true or false, which was accepted without a single proof? Everyone knows that this world is built on lies. But this article is not about debunking scientists....

FREE 916


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