Earthquakes and Moon: an Obvious Connection

February 22, 2023
Sergey Ziegler developed a special earthquake informer that takes into account data from previous seismic events.
25 Jul 2024
moon day: 18.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.729 km
26 Jul 2024
moon day: 19.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.310 km
27 Jul 2024
moon day: 20.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:364.074 km
28 Jul 2024
moon day: 21.742
last quarter
DISTANCE:365.961 km
29 Jul 2024
moon day: 22.742
last quarter
DISTANCE:368.846 km
30 Jul 2024
moon day: 23.742
waning crescent
DISTANCE:372.551 km
31 Jul 2024
moon day: 24.742
waning crescent
DISTANCE:376.855 km
01 Jul 2024
moon day: 25.742
waning crescent
DISTANCE:381.510 km
02 Jul 2024
moon day: 26.742
waning crescent
DISTANCE:386.265 km
03 Jul 2024
moon day: 27.742
waning crescent
DISTANCE:390.875 km
04 Jul 2024
moon day: 28.742
new moon
DISTANCE:395.118 km
05 Jul 2024
moon day: 0.211
new moon
DISTANCE:398.806 km
06 Jul 2024
moon day: 1.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:401.786 km
07 Jul 2024
moon day: 2.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:403.941 km
08 Jul 2024
moon day: 3.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:405.191 km
09 Jul 2024
moon day: 4.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:405.486 km
10 Jul 2024
moon day: 5.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:404.805 km
11 Jul 2024
moon day: 6.211
waxing crescent
DISTANCE:403.160 km
12 Jul 2024
moon day: 7.211
first quarter
DISTANCE:400.596 km
13 Jul 2024
moon day: 8.211
first quarter
DISTANCE:397.199 km
14 Jul 2024
moon day: 9.211
waxing gibbous
DISTANCE:393.102 km
15 Jul 2024
moon day: 10.211
waxing gibbous
DISTANCE:388.490 km
16 Jul 2024
moon day: 11.211
waxing gibbous
DISTANCE:383.594 km
17 Jul 2024
moon day: 12.211
waxing gibbous
DISTANCE:378.682 km
18 Jul 2024
moon day: 13.211
waxing gibbous
DISTANCE:374.045 km
19 Jul 2024
moon day: 14.211
full moon
DISTANCE:369.967 km
20 Jul 2024
moon day: 15.211
full moon
DISTANCE:366.705 km
21 Jul 2024
moon day: 16.211
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:364.467 km
22 Jul 2024
moon day: 17.211
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.388 km
23 Jul 2024
moon day: 18.211
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.529 km
24 Jul 2024
moon day: 19.211
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:364.868 km
25 Jul 2024
moon day: 18.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.729 km
26 Jul 2024
moon day: 19.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:363.310 km
27 Jul 2024
moon day: 20.742
waning gibbous
DISTANCE:364.074 km
28 Jul 2024
moon day: 21.742
last quarter
DISTANCE:365.961 km
29 Jul 2024
moon day: 22.742
last quarter
DISTANCE:368.846 km

Surely, you read the title “The Moon Causes Earthquakes” and it interested you. Everyone was told that the cause of earthquakes has not been fully studied, but, first of all, it is volcanoes and the shift of tectonic plates. The first point is clear, but the second point is not fully explained. Why do tectonic plates shift? And again, scientists tell us all that these are internal processes of the planet that are not fully understood, and so on and so forth. But for decades there have been departments that have been studying these very processes. So, all this time they have not fully studied the cause of the shift of tectonic plates? I believe the answer is known, it is beneficial for everyone to work for decades without results in order to pay their bills.
I wrote a book in which I talk about the catastrophe that happened to our planet. And it just so happened that I had to study everything related to the Moon, our satellite, which we see in the sky every night. BUT what if you find out that it is the Moon that causes earthquakes and the first planetary catastrophe?

Everyone knows that the Moon causes the ebb and flow of the tides. It influences the waters of the World Ocean, moving at a distance of approximately three hundred eighty thousand kilometers from us in an elliptical orbit. But what will happen if the Moon gets closer? There is even a special term in astronomy, perigee. This is when the Moon approaches a distance equal to the minimum radius of the elliptical orbit. That is, at the closest distance. After all, then the Moon in this case can also influence tectonic plates. This is a reasonable assumption, especially since our tectonic plates are, by comparison, just foam on the surface of milk, and it can easily move around a ball of magma. And you say, yes, this is interesting, but where is the evidence of this influence? Prove the connection of the Moon with earthquakes. And I will answer, if this evidence did not exist, I would not have created this video.
First, look at a map of earthquake focal points. The first thing that catches your eye is that the crescendo of all earthquakes, if the audience will forgive me for the use of words, occurs at the equator. You see this, right? Did you know that the equator is exactly the line of passage of the Moon in its orbit around our planet? Note also the angle of the average earthquake line from the equator. It is approximately equal to the 6 degree angle at which the Moon rotates around the Earth. Do you see this? The moon rotates around the Earth's axis and at the ends of the axis, at its poles, there are virtually no earthquakes. This is because the poles of the planet are at a greater distance from the Moon, and the main influence of the satellite is in the near-equatorial zone. Thus, it is the earthquake map that is the very first evidence in favor of the fact that it is the Moon that causes the shift of tectonic plates, which leads to earthquakes.
The next proof will be based on an analysis of the largest earthquakes over the past 20 years. I studied these earthquakes and compared their dates with the cycles of the Moon and its distance from the Earth. And you will be surprised when you find out that there is a connection between the Moon and the earthquakes that have occurred. Look at this document. It reflects data from the most powerful earthquakes from 2001 to 2024.



According to this document, during the period of perigee, the closest distance of the Moon from the Earth, 15% of earthquakes occurred, 4 out of 27. During the full moon, 33% occurred, that is, 9 out of 27. And 29% of earthquakes occurred in the first quarter.
Next, I must explain what the full moon is and what the first quarter is from the point of view of physics and the interaction of cosmic bodies.
A full moon is when the Moon is both behind the Earth and behind the Sun and they are all on the same straight line. The Moon, when approaching the full moon phase, wants to break free from the influence of the Earth, but it is simultaneously influenced by both the Earth and the Sun, preventing this from happening. And since they are on the same straight line, it results in an intensified conflict of the three forces of attraction of different bodies, and this causes the Moon to vibrate more volatilely and this vibration is transmitted to the earth.
The first quarter is also a very interesting phase, it is the focal point, exactly halfway between the full moon and the new moon. The Moon begins to accelerate towards the Sun, and the perpendicular vector of the Earth’s gravity begins to work against the gravitational force of the Sun, creating, again, a conflict of the gravitational forces of all participating cosmic bodies. This conflict creates an increased frequency vibration of the Moon, which precisely affects the tectonic plates. That is, the probability of earthquakes increases significantly at focal points, namely, at the moments of the full moon, first quarter, perigee, new moon and third quarter.
It turns out that we have three main moments of the orbital movement of the Moon, which account for more than eighty percent of all earthquakes. If we take into account that some earthquakes occurred on dates close to our moments, namely one or two days before or after perigee, full moon or new moon, then we get more than ninety percent of coincidences. In other words, a regular roulette should give out some chaotic combinations from one to twenty-seven. But our roulette constantly produces three numbers, for example, zero, three and seven. And this is impossible from the point of view of chance. According to the theory of probability, this all ceases to be an accident and becomes a pattern. And this pattern just proves that it is the Moon that causes earthquakes on our planet.

If earthquakes occur at the three focal points of the Moon's orbital motion eighty percent of the time, then this directly points to the Moon as the cause. Any mathematician will confirm this conclusion. Thus, we have two strong pieces of evidence that the Moon is involved in earthquakes. It’s strange to me that, given all this data, paid scientists can’t put two and two together and even just tell the truth to society.
Not to mention using this data to create an earthquake prediction system to warn society about impending danger. If people in Thailand had been warned in 2004, then not 250,000 people would have died, but much less, from the tsunami, which occurred due to the shift of tectonic plates just on the full moon.
As a result, we, enthusiastic researchers, have to do all the work. I have developed a special earthquake informer that anyone can use on my website. He predicts dangerous dates on which earthquakes may occur. Thus, residents of dangerous seismic zones of the planet can be more prepared before the moment of danger. And I will be glad if my development helps save human lives. And by the way, the topic of earthquakes is becoming more and more relevant, because in 2023, according to data from my table, six major earthquakes occurred. Over 20 years, this is 22% of all earthquakes, and this shows an increase in seismic activity. As soon as I find the reason for this increased activity, I will definitely report it on my channel. Thanks for your attention and stay safe!



Max 02:32 March 03, 2023
Text translated
What about earthquakes in Alaska?

2 0 Answer
Sergey → Max 02:46 March 03, 2023
Text translated
They are not that strong. If you look at earthquakes from the strongest to the weakest, you get a clear gradient from the equator to the poles.

2 0


Copyrights 2022-2024 SERGEY ZIEGLER