Recently I saw banners about Elon Musk and Bezos, one is creating a network of 42,000 satellites and is going to colonize Mars, chip people and grow children in the wombs of robots, and the second is thinking about building orbital colonies. There is also widespread development of artificial intelligence and robotics.
On the one hand, this is technical development, but on the other ....
We have wars on our planet. Recently, Israel killed 30,000 children in Palestine with missiles. Just think about it, 30,000 innocent Palestinian children as a result of the deliberate genocide of Palestinians by Jews. There are wars all over the planet, World War III, which was organized by Jews and initiated by the Jew Putin with his Jewish mafia, there are constant ethnic wars in Europe, in Africa blacks kill white farmers at a rate of 3,000 people a year, and in Russia 28,000 crimes occur monthly due to migrants from Central Asia.
Plus, humanity is destroying the planet. The Chinese are cutting down forests in Siberia, polluting Lake Baikal, destroying the Earth's ecosystem. The Jew Putin allowed them to do this.
Our entire ocean is polluted with garbage and chemical emissions. You can no longer safely swim in the same Thailand without catching your foot in a plastic bag or a syringe.
My opinion is that humanity does not understand what it is doing. We need to first understand ourselves, establish laws, put war criminals and dictators in prison, introduce democracy in every state, allow people to live in their ethnic content, and we urgently need to save the planet and nature. Otherwise, it will soon be too late to save. And only then fly into space, to Mars.
Elon Musk is installing a network of satellite routers in orbit around the planet. We all know that Elon Musk has Chinese roots and he is quite good at figuring out how to get money. But Musk is not a scientist. He is not very smart, his logic is not in order.
What frequency do satellites operate on? According to the law of synergy, at what stage will satellites simply start killing people with enhanced frequency waves?
I have always suggested enveloping the planet in an underground fiber optic network. Why do you think that is? Because the soil layer does not allow the waves to pass through and people are safe. And Elon Musk's satellites create a global danger for all of humanity.
Next, growing children in the wombs of robots.
Elon Musk had problems with his parents, then problems with women, all this influences his decisions and this is bad. A child should receive a balanced energy from his mother and father. If there is an imbalance, the child will have a disrupted hormonal system. No mother - the child grows up as a radical, no father - a homosexual. And if both parents are absent at the MOST IMPORTANT TIME for the baby, then this will be an empty person, sick, flawed. The prophetess Vanga wrote about this, that there will be a period of children being carried in laboratories and they will become cruel and heartless. I am afraid that Musk is following in the footsteps of this prophecy.
Chipping people is another project that is simply dangerous for humanity. Elon Musk hides behind helping the disabled, people with physical problems. So why not invest a billion dollars in an institute for the development of new organs for humanity, the creation of new drugs? Who needs a camera on their forehead instead of real eyes? Who needs a dangerous implant that needs constant maintenance for a subscription fee? Maybe Elon Musk, who needs this payment, right? And of course, Elon Musk himself will not install such an implant.
And all these flights to Mars. People are strange creatures. On what basis has Mars already been divided between states? Probably, the first step in all this should first fly to Mars and make sure that there are no indigenous inhabitants of Mars. But I have information that Mars is inhabited. You can read about this in my second book or in the blog for subscribers. I am sure that the inhabitants of Mars live underground. And tell me, what kind of reasonable person would go with the goal of colonizing the planet and making money by pumping out resources, instead of first making sure that no one lives there?
Now about the idea of the Jew Bezos. Orbital colonies of the Earth are funny. In a presentation to shareholders and to throw dust in the eyes.
But I have two questions. First, why not colonize the deserts and invest a billion in greening the deserts? Our planet is dying, it really needs to be saved so that our children can live!
And the second question. Who would really want to hang out in zero gravity in orbit, losing their health? After all, everyone except stupid Bezos obviously knows that zero gravity is harmful to human health, harmful to muscles, bones, the musculoskeletal system. And also, the atmosphere protects us from radiation, how is Bezos going to solve this problem of his orbital colonies? I think, no way.
I am perfectly clear about where we are all heading. And I don’t like this path, this is the path of stupidity and ridiculous experiments that are better avoided.
And my solutions, which I propose as a scientist, have already been voiced above. This is decision-making by democratic digital systems within ethnic and/or state contents, this is the greening of deserts and the immediate planting of the entire planet with new trees, a complete ban on deforestation, the creation of conveyor waste plants, an immediate end to wars, and the initiators and war criminals to be imprisoned and let their loved ones also bear this burden of guilt! It is necessary to recognize the guilt of the Jewish Britons for the colonization of India, America, Australia, Africa and the organization of slavery, for the genocide of indigenous peoples. It is necessary to recognize that all World Wars were organized by Jews, Hitler, Stalin-Jewgashvili, Putin-Shalom, Zelensky, Jews in the USA, Holstein-Romanovs, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln in the civil war, and the same Jewish Britons in World War I. My proposal is to isolate the Jews in Armenia, their true homeland after the flood, and expel them from Israel, the lands of Palestine, where they are absolutely illegal. And also all half-breed Jews should be placed there and never mixed with them. This will be good for all mankind!
I will also note that it is worth distributing mixed humanity by the percentage of races. The percentage can already be determined using the number of gene mutations. That is, for example, if a person is 75% black, then he can be classified as black content. This is reasonable.
We also need to take care of animals and create special centers and national parks for them. We must finally recognize homosexuality as a hormonal disease and stop flaunting it in society as some kind of achievement. This is not an achievement, it is a disease, a real disease that can and should be treated with hormone therapy! And it would be better for Elon Musk to invest in this area.
We also need centers for printing new organs to order and creating a surgical industry or a biorobotic surgical industry to automatically renew their organs. Came, printed, replaced. And this is actually a good future!
Artificial intelligence. Let's be honest, we don't have artificial intelligence, we only have programs that merely imitate artificial intelligence. The hyped-up neural networks are just programs. They are not artificial intelligence, but applied tools. In other words, humanity doesn't have AI, but there is already an unjustified panic on this topic and attempts to regulate work in this direction. Again, until humanity becomes "humane", it is absolutely not necessary to do something that it will later regret.
We need to send people to Mars and try to make friends with its inhabitants and learn important information about the past of our Solar System. And create an orbital laser that will gradually begin to destroy the asteroid belt, which is a threat to Mars at the present time.
And most importantly, we need to change the calendar and set a starting point, like the Mayans, for example, from the moment of a planetary catastrophe. People, just think about it, we count time from the moment of the death of some Armenian, about whom they say that he was resurrected, but ... no one saw it or confirmed it.
What human progress are we talking about?