Rudiments and atavisms of man - examples, evolution, evidence

November 11, 2024

My explanation is based on the fact that Arabs, Negroes, Jews, Asians, Native Americans, people with a eumelanin pigmentation system, were artifically created from animal genes and genes of white people with a faumelanin pigmentation system, who flew in from a planet Phaeton, on which the intensity of the sun's rays is less. That is, this explains the evolution of the phaumelanin system of pigmentation, the white color of the skin, hair and eyes. 

With this theory, I would say with the help of true facts, because everything points to it, I will explain almost all cases of deviations, such as birthmarks, six fingers, Morton's finger, nose below the earlobes, no earlobes, close-set eyes, red hair, excessive hairiness, albinoism, short teeth, cannibalism.


Birthmarks are a partial superposition of the eumelanin system of pigmentation on the phaumelanin system. Such spots indicate a mixture of the original white race with artificially created races. For example, the Jew Gorbachev has such a birthmark on his forehead.

Six-fingered and fused fingers

There are various species of animals with 6 fingers on our planet, including primates and pandas. Six-fingeredness occurs when the genetic memory of six-fingered animals that were used to create artificial races is triggered. The Jew Stalin had six-fingeredness. The Jew Ashton Kutcher has

the genetic abnormality fused fingers. Some species of primates have webbing between their fingers, allowing them to move better through trees. It was this gene that Ashton inherited.

Morton's finger

Morton's finger has the same explanation as six fingers. The second finger is longer than the first, this form originally belongs to primates. In fact, it does not look beautiful, so Morton's finger is considered a deformity and a sign of belonging to artificially created races. Sculptures of Ancient Greece are full of Morton's fingers, which speaks of the nature of the Greeks and the mixing of white people with the Phoenician Jews. Morton's finger is present in almost all actresses of Jewish descent, for example, Penelope Cruz, Diane Kruger, Meghan Markle, Amber Heard. 

Nose below earlobes

The explanation is the same as for the previous deviations. Monkeys have a nose below earlobes. These genes have been preserved in the genetics of Arabs (Sumerians) and Jews. Long noses can be seen in sculptures of Ancient Greece, in Alexander the Great, in Armenians, modern Jews and Arabs,  mixed Jew David Duchovny, Jew Adrien Brody.

No earlobes

And here is the same reason. Primates do not have earlobes and if a person does not have them, then this is the action of the primate gene in an artificially created race. The absence of earlobes can be seen in the actor of Jewish descent Clint Eastwood.
Oskar Dirlewanger - a dedicated Nazi, awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class for his actions during World War I. He was subsequently convicted of the rape of a 14-year-old girl and sexual assault, but used his connections with the Nazi party to secure his release, after which he was appointed commander of the 36th Division. Judging by his name, brown eyes, black hair and lack of earlobes, Oskar Dirlewanger was of Jewish descent.

Close-set eyes

And here is the same explanation. Close-set eyes are found in monkeys and chimpanzees. This deviation is found in the Jewish actor John Travolta, the President of the Russian Federation Putin, and the actor Adrien Brody. 

Thin nose bridge

Monkeys have practically no nose bridge, it is very thin. Therefore, this gene also appears in artificially created races, more often in Asians and Jews. For example, Putin's thin nose bridge.

Red hair

Red hair is the first stage of mixing of faumelanic people with eumelanic people, subsequently the hair darkens and becomes chestnut, and the redness appears in youth and is not so pronounced. Red hair is found in Scots, that is, it indicates their Jewish roots (Celtic-Iberians, Celts, Britons, Iberians-Ebers-Jews). Red hair can be seen in actors such as Damian Lewis, Donan Gleeson and others.

Excessive hairiness

The reason is the same, the genes of hairy primates. It is widespread among Caucasian Jews, such as Armenians, Azeris, Georgians, Ossetians, Chechens, Dages, as well as Greeks and Turks. In the Soviet Union, the leaders of Jewish origin Leonid Brezhnev and Joseph Dzhugashvili (Jew - Gashvili, son of a Jew), who took the surname Stalin, were extremely hairy.


White albinos are not uncommon and no one has any questions about this. Questions arise when albinoism is found in Negroes, although rarely, one case in ten thousand. The reason for this is previous racial mixing with white people who have a phaumelanin pigmentation system. Gene memory is far from short and is preserved forever. And under certain conditions, a gene of the pigmentation system from the past can manifest itself. And this is not a disease, this is how genes work. In Africa, albino blacks are found in a proportion of one in 17,000. Unfortunately, they are eaten by modern cannibal Negroes, who still believe that if you eat a white person, you can get his strength and be cured of many diseases.

Short teeth

Chimpadzees have short teeth and this is also a genetic branch of primates. Short teeth are found in many Jews. It does not look nice. The actor of Jewish descent Tom Cruise got rid of such teeth by plastic surgery.


Eating one's own kind is considered normal for many primates, including chimpanzees. Jewish Hollywood portrays white people as monsters, this is the movie Dead Man, which shows a white cannibal, and Hannibal Lecter with Anthony Hopkins. In fact, this is a monstrous lie. Our Creators were peaceful people and vegetarians. Cases of cannibalism among white people can be counted on the fingers of one hand and, judging by my research, this is already a mixed type with Jews. Alexey Sukletin, a Caucasian Jew, Alexander Pierce, a Jew from Ireland (Ireland - Iberland - Everland - land of the Jews), Armin Meiwes, a Jew. Hannibal Lecter never existed, he was invented by Jews in Hollywood.

The actions of the created races speak of their bestial nature. The Jew Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of bestial rage, Negroes practiced cannibalism in Africa, in Asia the Indonesians ate the Vietnamese, the Chinese eat babies, in India the cannibal sect of Aghori still exists, the Aztecs and Mayans ate their enemies, Australian aborigines are cannibals, the Jew Abraham wanted to kill his son, the Caucasian Jews in Khozhbaly, who even sell canned human flesh. And with all this, you will not find such blatant cases of cannibalism, group bacchanalia, embedded in culture, among white people.

Because cannibalism is characteristic of artificially created races, in whose genes is the essence of carnivores, predators, beasts.

We need to work with this and force the animal genetic nature to evolve, change artificially created humanity for the better, towards humanism. Otherwise, there is no future for the artificially created humanity.

All of the above-mentioned signs, such as birthmarks, six fingers, fused fingers (web effect), Morton's finger, nose below earlobes, no earlobes, close-set eyes, thin bridge of nose or none, red hair, excessive hairiness, short teeth, black hair, dark eyes, dark skin indicate genes of artificially created races.

Interracial mixing

Race mixing, which is vigorously promoted by Jewish media, coupled with the policy of sick homosexuality, does not bring anything good to anyone. Know this, people, that the mixing of the white race and artificially created races will lead to deformed children, genetic disorders, as well as the manifestation of base nature, cruelty, evil, cunning. A typical negative example of the very first mixing can be seen in the Book of Enoch, when white people mixed with Jewish women and giants of 3,000 cubits were born, who were distinguished by cruelty and became cannibals. As a result, they were exterminated, and the white initiators of mixing were punished, which can be read about in the same Book of Enoch. As I myself see it, the results of mixing are really negative. All World Wars were organized by representatives of mixed races or artificial races. Alexander the Great, Hercules, the Trojan War, Persia, Napoleon, the Britons with their colonization and slavery, the Holsteins and serfs, Abraham Lincoln, Hitler, Stalin-Dzhugashvili. Now Putin-Shalom and Zelensky and there is no end to it. The final mixing of all races will not lead to a positive result, because the complex mixing of genes will lead to mental disorders and general human degradation and extinction. For example, Keanu Reeves is a good person, but unhappy, because he cannot find love of the same blood, he is indecisive, pliable and not very smart because of the genes of artificial races. The same Elon Musk also cannot find his blood, so he has three wives, 11 children and he cannot find a common language with anyone, like his father with his wife with Chinese roots. This is the same Bruce Lee, who had German genes and cheated on his white wife with a Chinese woman. This is Amber Heard, a mixed Jew and her marriage to Johnny Depp. And there are millions of such examples. Blood frequency is very important for the family, for the marriage. I have seen hundreds of unhappy people in mixed marriages who became victims of Jewish propaganda and this is very sad. Watch an interview with Muhammad Ali, who explains the problems of interracial relations in 10 minutes.
It is worth noting that some people consider these deviations a sign of degeneration, for example, the writer Grigory Klimov. Globally, he is right, since interracial relations lead globally to degeneration. It is like mules, whose population is maintained artificially. I believe that each species should live in its own content, among its representatives.

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06:47 November 27, 2024
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I agree on every point.

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