Phaeton and Moon - new investigations and discoveries

August 28, 2023

Everyone knows the myth about Phaethon, the son of Helios, who asked his father to fulfill his request to drive the Solar chariot. As a result, he failed and Phaethon died, almost destroying the planet. In fact, this is not just a myth, but a metaphorical retelling of a real event, a real planetary catastrophe, which I describe in my book "Connecting Points".

The Myth of Phaethon

They wanted to pass on important information to us from the past and encrypted it.


Helios, Phaeton's father, is the Sun and helium, the second element in the periodic table after hydrogen.

Helium periodic table

The Sun is more than 25% helium. So Helios in our myth is the Sun, a real cosmic body in our solar system, and the son of the Sun, Phaethon, is a planet that was located between Mars and Jupiter, and which was destroyed.


At the moment, between Mars and Jupiter there is a belt of asteroids that remained after the destruction of Phaeton.

Pdaneta Phaeton asteroid belt

This belt was the basis for the hypothesis about the existence of a certain planet in the distant past.

Let's return to the myth. There are questions for him, for example, how could the Sun fly up to our Earth and scorch it?

The Sun myth about Phaeton

This is physically impossible. But the myth clearly states that the Sun, also known as Helios' chariot, approached the planet and scorched it for a long time before people prayed to Zeus and Zeus destroyed the chariot with lightning.

Zeus and the chariot of Phaeton

We understand perfectly well that Zeus did not destroy anything. We are dealing with metaphors and must interpret them correctly. So, something huge, which had a high temperature and was similar to the Sun, flew to our planet and began to enter its orbit, making revolutions around the Earth and scorching it. Then there was a roar and lightning and after that this something ceased to be a threat. Let's interpret what happened. To begin with, we must understand that something huge could not be destroyed by lightning, which in itself is just a discharge between the surface of the earth and the stratosphere. And lightning happens during rain, when humidity increases and conductivity between the earth and the stratosphere increases. Therefore, since lightning and a roar were present in the myth, it means that a planetary catastrophe occurred, lithospheric plates began to shift with a roar and water began to evaporate in huge volumes, increasing the humidity of the air, which led to lightning. And since there was rain all over the planet, it means that the sky was covered with clouds and nothing was scorching the earth anymore, and so people decided that Zeus struck the threat with lightning. Agree, this is very similar to the truth.

I believe you have long understood that this catastrophe and the myth of Phaeton have no direct relation to the global flood described in the Bible. The only thing is, you do not know what happened and where this huge cosmic body came from. What happened, I describe in detail in my book, but where this body came from, I will tell you right now. First, however, I will greatly surprise you by revealing the secret that this huge cosmic body that flew to us and caused a planetary catastrophe is the Moon. And during its arrival, it looked like the Sun, since it was a ball of hot magma. Subsequently, this ball cooled down and now you can see a cooled ball with characteristic traces in the form of round craters and craters, which just indicate that it was previously a ball of magma.

Moon craters are magma bubbles

Subsequently, this ball cooled down and now you can see a cooled ball with characteristic traces in the form of round craters and funnels with the same depth, which just indicate that it was previously a ball of magma.

So, you are surprised and shocked, now we will find out where the Moon came from. But we will approach this from a completely different angle. Namely, we will study all the satellites in our solar system that are similar to our Moon.

The Moon is the planet Phaeton

Because the nature of those other satellites and their location will tell us about the origin of the Moon itself. I looked through many satellites and selected a few that are very similar to the Moon. These are Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter and two satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Look at them. It is obvious from their relief and color that their composition (iron, sulfur, nickel) coincides with the composition of the Moon. Both the Moon and Ganymede and Phobos and Deimos have a common origin and they are from the same source. Only Ganymede is round, like the Moon, and Phobos and Deimos are irregular in shape.

This suggests that the Moon and Ganymede acquired a spherical shape in a vacuum, and Phobos and Deimos were originally in the form of pieces. That is, when the planet was destroyed, its solid pieces became both part of the asteroid belt and satellites of Mars, and its inner part, the magma, acquired a spherical shape. In other words, the Moon, Phobos, Deimos and Ganymede are parts of the unfortunate planet Phaeton, after the destruction of which, Ganymede flew to Jupiter, Phobos and Deimos went to Mars, and the Moon, the Moon flew straight to us, to Earth and entered our orbit, causing a terrible planetary catastrophe and a global flood. And by the way, the composition of the satellites, rich in such elements as iron, nickel and others, not only indicates that these are the remains of an already formed planet, but also a high probability that there was life on Phaeton. And perhaps this is connected with our origin. But that's a completely different story

You can learn more about the research of Sergey Ziegler and immerse yourself in the real chronology of our planet, learn about how the Moon appeared, where it came from, who created us and where they disappeared to, who are the giants, centaurs, sphinxes, cynocephali, mermaids, ancient gods, learn in detail what kind of terrible planetary catastrophe occurred on our planet, by purchasing the book "Connecting Points". In this way, you will support further research. The purchase also includes a subscription to updates and access to all blog materials.



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