In the illustration you see Jesus Christ as he is, a Jew, with a long nose, black curly hair and black eyes. This is an original image from the catacombs of St. Callistus in Italy. In this article I will tell you who Jesus Christ was and about the grand deception of mankind.
For starters, there was no immaculate conception and there was no dove. This idea was sucked out of the finger by future sectarians, based on... nothing. They just made it up. If Jesus' mother had become pregnant while in isolation, that would be a different matter. But she was with her husband and they had normal sexual relations every day, like everyone else.
Next, the story of the Magi. It is already known to everyone that Jesus' mother was of royal Davidic blood, that is, the birth of Jesus as a king attracted the Magi and he was presented with gifts as a king. Oil was used for anointing on the royal throne.
Actually, Jesus was killed not because of faith, but because of banal power, as a contender for the royal throne, nothing more, nothing less.
Jesus spent his childhood in Egypt and there he gained magical knowledge, pyramids, priests, rods. His famous phrase "truth on Earth, truth in heaven" This is a borrowed phrase from the Emerald Tablets of Hermes Trismegistus "as above, so below".
Jesus always used a magic wand in his magic shows, as in the illustration. This wand is also from Egypt. Why, when we talk about the "great" Jewish magicians, do we always mention Egypt? Because all the "great" Jewish magicians took all their "tricks" from there. Moses, Solomon, Jesus, they all stole secret knowledge from Egypt. And I say knowledge, because it is physics, the impact on matter with the help of frequencies-vibrations. This physical knowledge came to our planet with the Creators of humanity and they owned it perfectly. Jesus used them to gain power and attract people's attention, because that's what the Jews, created from monkey genes, want - absolute power and worship.
And, of course, Jesus knew the truth about the creation of mankind from the same priests in Egypt and that's why he talked about the "father in heaven". He tried to say this all the time, but he was not understood.
If Jesus really was a good man and a visionary, he would have lived peacefully in the desert and not done what entailed the death of millions of people, the coenocide of entire nations due to the expansion of Christianity into India, America, Africa and numerous islands. Millions of people were killed in the name of Jesus. If he were good and if he were a prophet...
But Jesus was not. And he was not good. All his phrases were selfish. "Turn away from your father and mother and listen to me, follow me." Jesus only needed power and blind worship. In fact, he, like all Jews, did not care about people.
And he gathered a sect of 12 people and one mistress, and with this whole sect he traveled from city to city. And they had to eat, drink and live somewhere. Do you really think that Jesus and his companions ate for free for many months? In addition, his mistress, Mary Magdalene, whom Christianity exalted to the face of saints, was an ordinary prostitute who needed money. I dare say, this is true, prostitutes love money, this is a well-known truth. And so, money was collected from his circus performances and tricks, as other Jewish magicians David Copperfield and David Blaine do today. By the way, why are they all Davids, like King David?
And that shameful story with Judas. Has it really occurred to anyone over all these years that Judas was simply killed by the other 11 sectarians because he deprived them of a stable income, with the help of which they lived comfortably? Why would Judas hang himself when he received money and saved his life by handing Christ over to the authorities? What was his motive? Repentance? Conscience? Oh no, the truth is always harsh, for money the Jews are ready to do anything.
As a result, Jesus is killed because of the desire for power, and his body is placed in a cave, and the entrance is sealed with a large stone. And it is such a strange coincidence that no one saw how someone moved the stone and stole Jesus's body. No one. Except for his troupe of circus sectarians, who not only did it brazenly, but also announced that... Jesus was resurrected and flew to heaven! And he took all the sins of all people with him! In the Middle Ages, they would have all simply been hanged for desecrating a grave and the most brazen lie in the history of mankind, but .... the people who Jesus had pulled the wool over their eyes on his shows believed them. And they were let go. All the members of his sect went in different directions, talking about the "savior of mankind" and getting food and lodging from this, as well as money for publishing their version of the "great book". And they all wrote, each their own version, to make money. The Gospel of Luke, Peter, Matthew and the rest. Their brazen monkey faces can be seen in the illustration above. What happened to the prostitute Mary Magdalene? I'm sure she continued to do what she did before Jesus, while simultaneously participating in the show of another sectarian, John, as a "virgin". In the show, John talked about the "savior" of Christ, and she ran out with her hair down and made innocent eyes, and then collected the money. And there it continued until she grew old and died in poverty in the city of Ephesus.
Other sectarians did exactly the same thing, but without the prostitute Mary. The sectarian Peter lived to be 60 years old, strengthening the sect of Christianity, until finally, tired of his delirium and shameless impudence, the Roman authorities executed him upside down, making him a kind of martyr.
And they all wrote and described their "adventures" with Jesus, creating the basis for the sect of Christianity. They needed something to live on, and stories about the "resurrected savior" filled their wallets with gold better than fishing. Modern priests understand this better than anyone.
People did not like Christians, almost all the "apostles" were simply sent after Jesus to the other world. But many saw in Christianity a tool for creating ideal slaves. And these people were Jews!
Alfred the Great in "Britt"ania, Vladimir, the son of the Jewess Malka and Svyatoslav [Shining White Man], the last white ruler of Russia, they all began to destroy the true history of the white descendants of the Creators, planting a sick and false Jewish religion in order to enslave people.
Germany held out the longest, until it, bled dry in battles with the Roman Jewish Empire (the Romans are the Etruscans, mixed Jews and white people), was forcibly baptized through the Frankish king Clovis (and he was persuaded to do this by his Jewish wife Clotilde). When the Jewish clergy got access to the scrolls and chronicles of the white descendants of the Creators, they simply destroyed them. Do you really think that for thousands of years of existence, white people did not have their own history? That the Russians and Germans lived in dugouts, collected honey, hunted and sold skins to the "advanced" Greeks? And all that was left was how stupid Odin hanged himself and pierced himself with a spear after milking a cow? How is it that after thousands of years only this idiotic tale about Odin remained, while the Greeks preserved such a huge amount of information in myths? The Jews did the same with the Aztecs, Bishop Diego de Landa destroyed thousands of valuable scrolls with useful information about the past of mankind.
Thus, geographically, white people found themselves between a rock and a hard place between Jewish rulers and the imposed Jewish slave religion. And it was a disgusting, shameful time for free people. In the name of the Jew Jesus, the Crusades were carried out by the brainwashed white people against the ancient enemies of the Jews - the Sumerians (Khem, Khmer), also known as the Arabs.
The main center of the Christian sect was in Rome and from there, through the papal priests, all the kings of Europe and Russia were ruled and all their actions were controlled. The entire Christian elite consisted of Jews. Any free person asking uncomfortable questions was immediately "excommunicated" and executed by the "Holy" Inquisition. All people who were found to have unusual abilities were tortured and killed in the name of Christ. This was the so-called witch hunt, thousands of white women were executed.
Then came the time of colonization and the Christian sect went into full swing, destroying entire nations and their cultures. The genocide of the Indians in America, the Hindus in India, the Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand, they were baptized and killed by the millions all over the planet in the name of Christ.
The most monstrous thing in this religion is the ritual of communion, when small children are given fortified wine - Cahors and told that this is the "blood of Christ", and then they moisten a prosphora (a piece of white bread) with the same wine, give it to the child and tell him to eat the "body of Christ". This is disgusting and this is Christianity as it is!
The fact that says a lot about Christianity is only one apostle died a natural death...
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