There are a large number of deserts on our planet, the largest of which is the Sahara. Deserts are white spots on the green landscape of the continents, there are no forests growing in them and there is practically no water. Everyone knows about deserts, so everyone probably already has a question, why this material about deserts and how are they related to discoveries? And I will answer that the answer to the question of how deserts appeared will lead us to an amazing discovery.
So, let's get started.
All of us in school geography lessons either did not tell us how deserts appeared and simply presented us with the fact that they exist, or vaguely told about the theory of wind and water erosion. The theory is quite simple, namely, the wind dries the soil, and there is not enough water due to insufficient precipitation. And this theory seems to explain everything, but...

All the most famous deserts are not located at the equator, the hottest latitude of our planet. That is, if you think sensibly, then deserts should be located at the equator, because the equator has the highest solar temperature, ideal conditions for the formation of deserts. Then why are they located much higher, where the temperature is lower than at the equator? And why is the equatorial solar zone all in lush vegetation and there is not a hint of a desert there? This already contradicts the theory of scientists about water-wind erosion. Let's be honest, no one can say how deserts appeared today. So this video will open up a lot of interesting things for you.
I admit honestly, in my practice this was not the longest investigation. The answers came pretty quickly. To begin with, I studied all the existing deserts and, most importantly, the deserts that were formed in fact in our time. This is how I learned about the Aralkum desert. This desert was formed as a result of the drying up of the Aral Sea. The official reason for the drying up of the Aral Sea is that during the USSR, water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers was taken for agriculture and these rivers stopped feeding the Aral Sea, as a result of which it dried up.
Frankly, I was less interested in the reason for the drying up of the sea, I was much more interested in two things. First, the Sea dried up and became a desert. In fact, we already have a working analogy. And two, in the place of the dried-up sea, flora does not grow, because of the suddenly formed clay-sand wasteland, on which nothing can grow in the hot sun

In general, if the Aral Sea dried up and a desert formed in its place, then why couldn't the same thing happen to the Sahara and other deserts? From Karakum, Gobi, Chihuahua?
There is evidence that the water level of many rivers and lakes on the planet used to be higher. I personally observed shallow rivers that were twice as wide in my childhood. The Caspian Sea used to be larger, but now it is gradually drying up. The Dead Sea, if you look at ancient engravings, near Jerusalem there are forests growing and a full-flowing sea splashing, on which ships sail.
And now the Dead Sea resembles more of a sea lake. Near the pyramids, in the Giza Valley, there was a sea, and the Nile was twice as wide. On our world map there were many more seas and full-flowing rivers.
And my investigation led me to the fact that all deserts today are dried up seas. The Sahara, Karakum, Gobi, Libyan Desert, Sinai Desert, Aralkum and other deserts are seas in the past. That is why forests could not grow there, because after the seas dried up, there was only sand left, practically useless for flora. I understand that this information will shock you a little and, in order not to be unfounded, I will cite the Sphinx, which is located next to the pyramids, as evidence. All Egyptologists have long known that the sphinx has undeniable traces of water erosion, which scientists cannot explain. In other words, the sphinx was in the water and even under water for a long enough time for erosion to begin. And this means that there was a sea in the place where the sphinx is located.
Also, water erosion is present in many ancient buildings,
in the same Baalbek, in Lebanon, for example. Its columns show erosion with the naked eye. I also personally observed water erosion of megaliths in Hampi, India. All this proves that ancient cities were under water for a long time, and then the water dried up and wastelands were formed, the largest of which became deserts.
So, deserts were formed as a result of the drying up of the seas. The investigation is complete. This material can already be placed in real geography textbooks. Well, we will go even further and begin to reflect on the topic, where did so many seas come from on our planet? Can we even try to calculate the time of the appearance of these seas by interpolating the drying up of the same Aral or Caspian Seas? And my answer is yes, we can. But this is already the work of budget scientists who receive a salary for their so-called work. Well, I already know the answer by date and also what exactly happened on our planet, and wrote about it in my book "
Connecting the Dots". And right now I can answer where these seas came from. All these seas that dried up and became deserts appeared as a result of the Great Flood, which occurred as a result of a planetary catastrophe. The waters of the Great Flood covered the earth's surface and flooded ancient cities. A city was found at the bottom of the dried-up Aral Sea,
In the Sahara, the city of Ghadames is dug up, in Japan, cities are found underwater near the coast.
Cities are found at the bottom of the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

All the continents were so covered in water that even Africa could be called an archipelago of islands, because it was more like an island than a continent.
And these seas, this huge amount of water, millions of tons, dried up over the course of thousands of years, creating today's picture of the world with a large number of lifeless deserts.
In the article about people living for thousands of years before the catastrophe, I talked about how to return green forests to deserts by planting a special type of tree, namely the Euphrates Poplar (Populus euphratica), which has long roots that can get water at great depths and thus survive in deserts and provide a layer of soil for other trees to grow.
This way we can return our planet to its former appearance, and us our lost opportunity to live for thousands of years.
You can learn more about the research of Sergey Ziegler and immerse yourself in the real chronology of our planet, learn about how the Moon appeared, where it came from, who created us and where they disappeared to, who are the giants, centaurs, sphinxes, cynocephali, mermaids, ancient gods, learn in detail what kind of terrible planetary catastrophe occurred on our planet, by purchasing the book "Connecting Points". In this way, you will support further research. The purchase also includes a subscription to updates and access to all blog materials.