Adam and Eve what is really happened?

June 24, 2024
Everyone knows about Adam and Eve, the first people created by God according to the Bible. In this article, I will publish my research and findings, interpreting this mythical biblical canon. I hope this will be interesting to you, as it was interesting to me. So, let's get started.
First, let's determine the appearance of Adam and Eve. For this, we will use real images of Jesus Christ, a direct descendant of Adam and Eve, according to biblical data, from the catacombs of St. Callistus. As you can see, these are very dark-skinned people with black hair. I will note that when Christianity was spreading around the world thanks to the Semitic apostles of Jesus Christ, then in order to introduce this religion into the world of the Slavs, Adam and Eve, like Jesus Christ, were depicted as similar to the Slavs, with white skin and light hair. This was a grandiose deception, so that the Slavs would accept the Semitic religious characters as their own. Of course, because which Slav in his right mind would pray to a dark-skinned, black-haired Semite?
Next, we will determine whether Adam and Eve were the first people? According to the same Bible, Adam and Eve had a son, the firstborn, Cain, who was born some time after they were expelled from paradise and Adam and Eve settled in a new place. Obviously, Abel was born a little later, let's say, one three years later. In any case, it took both of them about twenty years to start farming. And my guess is that Cain killed Abel at a young age, because, most likely, it was an act of passion, which is committed by people who are still mentally immature. And therefore, I will assume the age of up to thirty years. Further, according to the Bible, after killing Abel, Cain escapes to a certain land of Nod, where he finds himself a wife. That is, in the lands of Nod lived other people, the future parents of Cain's wife. We are all sane people and understand that a wife cannot be younger than fifteen years old. And they want to convince us that Adam and Eve somewhere in the lands of Nod gave birth to some other children after Cain was born, abandoned them, left the land of Nod and lived in a new place until Cain and Abel grew up. Do you understand that this even sounds strange? And, of course, a person in his right mind will not believe this, but will rather believe that Adam and Eve were not the first people.
It should be especially noted that in the Bible, in the first chapter, God already creates people, but Adam and Eve only in the second chapter, which is additional proof that there were people before Adam and Eve.
And if we look at the Sumerian tablets describing the reign of the Sumerian kings, by the way, in my calculations I translated the incorrect timeline into the real one and the lifespan of the Sumerian kings from tens of thousands of years became within a thousand years, we will see that before Adam and Eve, people lived for about ten thousand years, in the so-called golden era. And this is the second proof that Adam and Eve were not the first people. I will say more, Adam and Eve were among the last people created. The last experimental batch of our creators. And when I say creators, and not God, I mean that I, as a reasonable person, will assume that we were rather created by other intelligent beings, with the help of genetic technologies, than by an incomprehensible, invisible and unproven god. And since the Bible contains the phrase "created in the image and likeness", it means that our creators were similar in appearance to us. And yet they were different.

We understand this when we read the book of Enoch, chapter twenty, which describes the birth of Noah. In it, Lamech, Noah's father, says that Noah is not like them, that he has white skin and eyes the color of the sun and that he is similar to the Creators. It is interesting that Lamech uses the term "fallen angels". By analogy - fallen angels are higher beings who flew to Earth. The key meaning is that the creators had white skin and since the Semites do not have white skin and eyes the color of the sun, but rather dark, it means that the Semites were a genetic experiment, however, like blacks, Asians and others. According to the Bible, it turns out that white people are genetically closer to the creators. I do not consider white skin and light eye color as some kind of advantage or privilege, but simply use this data for further research.
Let's return to our Adam and Eve. Have you ever wondered why the name Adam is the same as the Garden of Eden? The Bible clearly states that Adam was a gardener who worked in the Garden of Eden and tended it. And I thought about it and wondered, what if it was a colony with a greenhouse, trees grew in this greenhouse and the creators called this greenhouse Eden, and the created Semite gardener was named the same, for convenience, because he lived and worked in the same greenhouse? Perhaps the creators used numbers and the word Adam means some number, for example, number nine, that is, greenhouse number nine.
I continued to think. Has anyone thought about how quickly Eve was created for Adam? If they took his rib for this, then Eve could have been cloned in a short time. Or did Adam have to wait fifteen or twenty years? It is unknown, but it is clear to me that to create a female Semite, it would be possible not to use the rib of another Semite, but simply to repeat the genetic experiment. But if they took the rib, it means that it was necessary to create a practically identical individual. Therefore, it is very similar to cloning.

Continue connecting points. We are getting closer to the key event, to the fact that Adam and Eve did something that got them cast out. Let's start with the most interesting part, namely the serpent-tempter, who tempted Eve to steal the apple. Of course, we are dismissing the options with talking snakes and symbols of electricity. We just need to correctly interpret the symbol of the serpent and my assumption is that the Semites Adam and Eve were created with the help of the gene of the reptilians and the serpent-tempter is simply the inner voice of some reptilian gene. And, of course, the apple of knowledge was not a literal apple. It is a metaphor. Knowledge, so Adam and Eve literally wanted to know more, they wanted more than to live as gardeners in a colony, like in a golden cage. Now we can understand them. They wanted to know who they were, who the creators were and where they came from. Since Eve did not get pregnant in the colony, it means that Adam and Eve knew practically nothing. Therefore, they secretly got to some, let's say, laboratory computer or artificial intelligence and began to gain knowledge. We cannot imagine the level of technology of the creators, but we can understand that since Adam and Eve began to cover themselves with sheets, it means that they could see images of the creators in clothes and understand that they themselves are naked. Well, the knowledge of "good and evil" could be watching scenes of violence or watching the past on the planet of the creators.
And I believe that for this the creators were not angry with Adam and Eve at all, but simply decided to release them into the wild. Most likely, they did this for security reasons, because after the creators said goodbye to Adam and Eve, they posted a "cherub with a flaming sword" to guard the colony, by analogy with a robot with a blaster. And by the way, since we know about this, it means that Adam and Eve really did return to the colony and saw this robot. Therefore, perhaps, the creators were not in vain wary of the return of the Semites to the colony. By the way, in the Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter three, paragraph twenty-two, it says "behold, Adam has become one of us. Lest he take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." This paragraph is an important proof. First, he denies God in one person with the word us. So, they, in the plural. Not God, but they, the fallen angels, our creators. And second, they were simply afraid that Adam and Eve would live forever, eating the apples of eternal youth. It is for this reason that the creators got rid of Adam and Eve. Well, I repeat, since the Bible mentions a robot guarding the garden, it means that Adam and Eve really did return to steal the apples of eternal youth, but were unable to do so, but subsequently passed on information to the children about the cherub with a flaming sword.

Finally, regarding the location of Eden or the colony of the creators. I am not sure that it was the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and I am absolutely sure that this is a false trail, because the Bible was rewritten many times and supplemented with information that was to please the authorities. It is known that the creation of Adam and Eve was before the Great Flood, and Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia and the four rivers appeared after the Great Flood, which was caused by the planetary catastrophe that I describe in my book Connecting Points. In other words, the location of the Garden of Eden in the Bible was simply invented.
Is this really all and will our research end there?
No, there is still a small clue. Namely, Hercules' journey to the Gardens of the Hesperides, to Atlas, will help us. There is an assumption that Eden and the Gardens of the Hesperides are one and the same, because the Gardens of the Hesperides were guarded for the gods of Olympus and they often visited there for the apples of eternal youth. Apparently, somehow, the remains of the Garden of Eden survived the Great Flood. And if so, then we can try to calculate the route of Hercules to get to the colonies of the creators a little closer. The twelfth myth says that Hercules crossed Libya and got to the "edge of the earth". This is either northwest Africa or southern Europe. And again a clue, in the Strait of Gibraltar there are the Pillars of Hercules. That is, perhaps Hercules crossed Gibraltar, heading to southern Europe. And he found the Garden of Eden at the edge of the earth. And in Southern Europe, at the edge of the earth, there is only one country. It is Portugal. The country, it seems, is not remarkable. But. If you study Portugal better, you will be surprised by the rather strange names of the villages. Just listen. FETAIS DOS PRETOS - Negro embryos, PORTO JUDEU - Jewish passage, FETAIS FUNDEIROS - source of embryos, FETEIRA - embryonic center, GENS - the river of Gena, FETAIS CIMEIROS - CHIMERA EMBRYOS. It is simply amazing and did the locals just wake up one day and name their villages so strangely? I don’t think so and am sure that the names came from the very distant past.
Based on all this data, why not assume that Eden, the colony of our creators and the cradle of all mankind, was located on the territory of present-day Portugal?

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